Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bad guys really do get the most girls - sex - 18 June 2008 - New Scientist

Bad guys really do get the most girls - sex - 18 June 2008 - New Scientist: "Christopher von Rueden of the University of California at Santa Barbara says that the studies are important because they confirm that personality variation has direct fitness consequences."

In general, there's a selection criteria here -- why are females of this particular species selecting for this behavioral trait when it is likely to create a higher cost burden for them? It would seem that instead of directly selecting a mate based on a mate who can most directly contributed to high offspring survival, the mate selection seems to be selecting for a mate who's genetics will contribute most to offspring reproductive success. If an offspring has a high chance of survival to reproductive age, then the more important fitness criteria is the offspring's reproductive success rate.

It would be interesting to observe cultural implications more closely to see if even very subtle shifts in reproductive success do occur based on different cultural norms, which could in turn lead to slight changes in selected traits.


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